how to get motivated!

We are all guilty of putting things off that we don’t really want to do however, as American author and artist Julia Cameron, said, ‘Procrastination is not laziness, it is fear. Call it by its right name and forgive yourself’.

We are told to set goals and objectives, and create mood boards crammed with bright images visualising our dreams, and then what?  It’s often so overwhelming after all that sticking and gluing that realistically it feels easier not to start. Or we get excited about the future but say we have too much on at the moment and promise ourselves we’ll start tomorrow or, actually on second thoughts, how about in the New Year?

So what are the tricks to motivation and achieving what we really want?

Firstly, we have to look at all the reasons why we might feel that it’s easier not to move forward.

We are bombarded every moment of the day with news stories, many of which are negative, and even if we make a firm decision to not let this affect us, we often have no choice, it seeps into our self-conscious. It is important to understand, for our own sanity, which external factors we can control and which ones we can’t.

So give yourself time every day to think about the issues that might be stopping you moving forward. Are you worried about an issue at home? Is there someone at work that is making it difficult for you to progress? Do you feel that time is running out so what’s the point in starting?

If so, you are not alone and there are ways to train your mind to take any difficult situation and use it as fuel to move on to the next part of whatever journey you are on.

Firstly, whilst it’s important to have goals, the best way to achieve them is to work backwards. What is your final aim and realistically what are the small steps needed to get there? Are you expecting to achieve something in a week that should really take six months? By setting a simple and manageable task every day, you are more likely to tick the box and look forward to taking the next small step towards your goal.

Be clear that the goal is achievable and why you want it. Ask yourself if the goal is absolutely necessary to lead a happy life or is it something that you would love to have but is not vital at this moment. What are the steps to getting there and could anyone or anything help speed up that process? Never be afraid to ask someone for help, the worst that could happen is that they say no and you’re no further back than when you started.

Remember to take responsibility. To have a positive, motivated mindset you must truly believe that you, and only you, are in control of your destiny. Of course, there are difficulties that fall across our paths, but it should not stop us and in fact, it can often be a bigger motivator as we realise that we absolutely do want to achieve that goal no matter what.

Routine is the key to motivation. If you set yourself time every day (it can be as little as five minutes) to focus on what it is that you need to do to get started, you will be amazed at how much you can achieve by the end of the week.  Be strict with yourself – don’t let anyone persuade you that their time is more important – if you must get it done make that your priority and everyone can wait a while.

Never be afraid of challenge or change. As humans, there is comfort in routine, we like working in the same way (even though it may become dull in its repetition) and being expected by friends, family and colleagues to deliver particular results however, there is a positive energy and zest in changing things once in a while whether it be how you work, how you communicate and whom you engage with.

Be honest with yourself about what is stopping you. Why do you feel deflated? Do you think that what you want to achieve is not possible? If you are unsure then speak to someone, a friend, colleague or coach who can discuss what might be in your way. It’s important to speak in confidence and without hindrance so be sure to take the time to choose someone who will not be offended or dismissive of what you say and how you feel.

Finally, if you are looking to others for motivation then choose a role model who has found success and break down the ways in which they did it. It does not mean that you need to follow what they did to the letter but listen to the language they use, look at how they dealt with difficult, sometimes seemingly impossible, situations and how did they gradually work to get to where they are. No success comes overnight and often there are failures that have set them back but their drive, determination, self-belief, and motivation are what have propelled them and can also push you to achieve whatever it is you want.

If you would like further information about the accredited coaching that I offer, how it could benefit you or your business, please get in touch here.


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