author and podcaster

 “The book is for everyone that asked and for those that want to hear the story firsthand.”

Hannah Ingram-Moore


I love to read, in fact so much so that if you wanted to punish me, it would be easy to achieve if you took away my books!

I read a lot on kindle because I like to read several books at a time and the app recently said that I have been reading for 235 unbroken weeks in a row. With that in mind though, I had never contemplated writing a book, articles yes, blogs yes, but writing a book? I believed that was for people who are more eloquent than me.

Everything changed in April 2020 when overnight the world got to know my father, the late Captain Sir Tom, and at the age of 100, he started to write his autobiography Tomorrow Will Be a Good Day, a book of Life Lessons and One Hundred Steps, a children’s book. I was suddenly immersed in the world of authorship. I sat and listened to my father telling his story, crafting his words, and creating joy for every age group. My father asked me to proofread all his work and so my involvement continued.

Even though time has moved on, I still get approached, no matter where I am, with the question, “You are writing a book about what happened aren’t you?” I always hesitated in the past with a ‘well, um, maybe…”. Yet with the unfailing positivity and support from wonderful people all over the world, particularly over the last few months, the idea of writing my side of the story became a more realistic opportunity and I am delighted to say that I am finally doing it.

The book is for everyone that asked and for those that want to hear the firsthand story of life with Captain Tom, including the highs and lows. I am days away from completing that book and it will be on the bookshelves shortly.


Podcasts, are something I have listened to for years, maybe since 2004 and certainly long before the app appeared on my phone. Gosh, I think that ages me!

I never contemplated being a guest on a podcast, I was happy just to listen and learn. I realised that the truth is, being an interesting podcast guest isn’t about answering questions, it’s about telling great stories.

In April 2020 the world was introduced to my father, the late Captain Sir Tom, through his fundraising of millions and at the age of 99, he was invited to be a guest on many varied podcasts. It was in fact quite tricky as he was very hard of hearing, but with me as his ears, we somehow managed it and it was a lot of fun that created wonderful memories.

My family and I were at the centre of what has been called ‘The World’s Greatest Viral Lightning Strike’, a story that connected the world and crossed boundaries of gender, race, nationality, social status and age in an incomparable way and in the most testing of times for humanity.

That incredible time, combined with a wealth of global corporate experience, being at times in a lonely place as a woman in business, trying at all times to be the best daughter, wife, and mother I could be; trying to make everything in my life work to the benefit of all those around me despite what sometimes feels like some people in society’s best efforts to make that as difficult as possible!

Combine all this with being thrust into the public eye. This has left me with what I have been told many think is a unique story to tell which has been shared on a number of podcasts, with more to come.